Rabu, 24 Juli 2013

Made With Love

Funny thing about love, you never know what it is until it hits you. 
Love is weird, it’s unpredictable, it’s happy and confusing and impossible, but we all still look forward to experience it.

I made this video special for my lovely one.. :)

Senin, 15 Juli 2013

I am Loved

Do you ever feel like a princess? I feel like a princess!
You may not think I'm a princess, but he does..That's all that matters.
My boyfriend treats me like a princess and loves me like no other.
He makes me feel so dang beautiful!
I'm so lucky to have such a handsome, caring, loving, athletic, funny guy like him..
He is the sweetest guy ever and I couldn't ask for anyone better.
He's perfect for me.
I'm so thankful. :)

Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

my sweetest love

He's my best friend..my soul mate, the one I can tell my dreams. He’ll smile at me, but he’ll never laugh at my heart. He’ll brush the hair out of my eyes. He'll call to say goodnight or just cause he is thinking of me. He look into my eyes and tell me "you’re beautiful....",  when in his arms.. I feel I have found the safest place in the world. 

And for the first time in my life, I believe in the pure essence of love..



Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Yes, I am in love!

So you've finally met him. The one who makes your heart pound as he walks towards you. The one whose sweet musky scent you look forward to at the end of a hard day. His soft touches lingers on your skin for days and the way your name rolls off his tongue can leave you weak at the knees.

You've heard it all before. You've read the books and seen the movies. Food is no longer a life necessity and sleep is a thing of the past. There is no mistaking it now - you must be in love.

But wait a minute. In love ... Or infatuated?

Deciding whether you are in love or simply infatuated is the ultimate dilemma. Putting yourself inside the love or infatuation bracket takes a lot of getting to know yourself, your partner, and your relationship.

When you are infatuated with someone, it is usually beyond reason. You are at the state of being emotionally carried away by unreasoning passion. It usually short lived and outside the borders of being committed. It is selfish and beneficial only to oneself.

But love - love is signified by much more than this. Love is about the inability to betray because to hurt the object of your affection is too hard for you even to imagine. It is about the relentless desire to give and give, without taking anything for yourself. Love is not selfish. Love is also about the obsession to protect, to defend that person you love and to remove harm from his path. Love is about the passion to pleasure, to know that his needs exceeds yours even without thinking.

You see, love is more than just a pretty face or the ability to wear the right clothes or to say the right things. It is about endless acts of honor, about praising him not only for the person he is, but for the person he is going to be. It is about submitting yourself fully as a woman to his authority and to respect him undoubtedly.

When you are certain of all these things, stand on the mountain tops and shout out from the depths of your lungs, "Yes, I am in love!"

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

five things in life..

Dear friends , here are the five things what I have learned in life.

1. Follow your dreams, they know the way. I believe God, the dream maker have planned seeds of dreams in everyone of us. When we are young, discover your gifts and talents. The most fulfilling life if you can do what you love for the rest of your life. So you hardly cannot tell the different between working and playing.

2. Love your parents and treasure them, and make them proud.

3. Treasure your best friends. As you walk your path of life, you will meet people everyday. Most are simply met by chance. But, some are gifts from above, and become special friends. The ones who will stay with you forever to share your life.

4. Travel the world and make countless of friends, pick up at least one foreign language. What you see, the places you travel, the people you meet, the friends you choose will help you grow and discover who you really are. Flourish your knowledge. Be Curious. Don't be afraid to ask question.

5. Fall in love. When we are young, we sometimes mislead love and infatuation. Falling in love is like no other feeling in the world. To have someone to look forward to every waking hour, and smile when falling asleep. When you are in love, suddenly your Blackberry ping sounds so romantic, not because of the sound, but who sends you the message. The emoticon smile sent by him comes alive and makes you smile ear to ear. The love songs made so much sense to you. it's amazing feeling, but it is important to know the different between love and infatuation. It is all started with feeling high over hills.

But these what I have
learned in life. Love stays. Love is something that takes time to grow and grows stronger over time, where infatuation is like a bomb that goes off and then is gone. Infatuation is all about the moment, about attraction and desire. Infatuation feels like a magic-spell; it's out-there. It is when you intensely feel Love towards another. It's mostly all about how YOU feel. The person will seem perfect in every way. You think about them non stop. Just thinking about them makes your heart start pounding. You get so excited when around them. "Infatuation is chemical. Obsession is all about bodily chemicals and neurons firing and thoughts flitting in and out of your mind before they have time to settle. Love lives in the heart and moves slowly, evoking warmth and smiles."

Love is about the future and security. Love is mature. When you're in love, you feel strong, full of life and happy. You feel secure and beautiful. With infatuation, you're full of anxiety and worry. You want them, but fear you might lose them. Or fear they might disappoint and be disappointed. You fear a lot of things. With love, you have no fear of anything, because you're secure in the arms of the one you love. Knowing He or she loves you still no matter what.

Love is patient. Time will prove love. Infatuation is about getting through today and hoping tomorrow will be good.

Love is secure. Love is knowing your heart is for another. Love means you accept each other as whole beings. Together you will make each other better.

Remember this, true and real Love begins with first finding yourself, cause only if you’re happy with yourself will you be able to embrace the other person just as he/she is. And you will find true love more easily. if its meant to be it will be! Without drama, it will happen and you will make your happily ever after even better than the fairly tales.

So Friends, before saying YES to dating, it is good to use both of your heart and your common senses. Wait, pray and make countless of friends before you decide becoming exclusive to someone. You are worth waiting for, you are born to be loved and love :)